alvaro figueredo
Alvaro Figueredo
Las otrísimas luces del yo
El Cerro Pan de Azúcar
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Alvaro Figueredo

Alvaro Figueredo is regarded as one of the main poets of his native Uruguay from the publication of two poetry collections that appeared during his lifetime (1907-1966), and awards he received for his critical essays on literature and pedagogy.

This is evident in the studies by Alvaro Miranda, Rómulo Cosse, Victor Guerra (a comparative study of Figueredo and Fernando Pessoa), and Jonathan Cohen*, as well as in the greater mention online of his poetry online and in literary journals and anthologies.

A cultural centre and museum, as well as the high school of his native town of Pan de Azúcar, bear his name. Recent references to his work’s legacy at the Maldonado municipal meetings in recent years (1997; 2004) have appeared to public dialogue on the importance of bringing more attention to his work and of having these efforts supported by governmental agencies1.
A posthumous volume of poetry was published on the occasion of the centenary celebrations of his birthplace, Pan de Azúcar, in 1974.

Though some of his poems are included in several Spanish-language anthologies (Bordoli; Brena; Visca; Paternain, Rela) and one in translation (by William Carlos Williams in New World Writing), his work has only recently begun to be more widely studied internationally.

“Y si ustedes creen que yo
soy un poeta, voy a aclarar
esa niebla. Yo no soy solo yo,
sino un coro de Alvaros que
incesantemente engendro
para acompañarme
poéticamente sobre la
tierra… Y cuántos Alvaros
he sido y sigo siendo, esos
niños del yo reciennacidos,
solo satisfacen su hambre de
eternidad por mi memoria.”

~ Alvaro Figueredo

English Translation"And if you think that I
am a poet, I will clear
the fog. I am not only myself
but a choir of Alvaros that
I unceasingly engender
to accompany me
poetically on the
earth… as many Alvaros
I have been and continue to be, those
offspring of my just-born-selves,
only satisfy their hunger for
eternity through my memory."*

Centennial Celebrations

The year 2007 marked the 100 years of the birth of Uruguayan poet, educator and essayist, Alvaro Figueredo, regarded as one of the main poets of his native country.

During his lifetime (1907-1966) Alvaro Figueredo published two collections of poetry and various poems in other publications. He founded the literary journal, Mástil, and received awards for his critical essays on literature and pedagogy.

A commemorative edition of one of Alvaro Figueredo’s poetry collections, MUNDO A LA VEZ (originally published in 1956) was re-edited in 2007 by Botella al Mar Editions in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a foreward by Rafaeal Gomensoro.

Several celebrations of his life and work were organized in Uruguay during 2007 to honour his legacy.

On April 10, 2007, the Primer Homenaje del año 2007 was held at the Third International Meeting of the “Poetas de las Dos Orillas” in Montevideo and had over 100 attendees, that included poets from Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Brazil, and invited speakers, R. Gomensoro, J. Albistur and J. Báez. These speakers discussed Alvaro Figueredo’s poetic work, particularly of MUNDO A LA VEZ.

Another event was held on the birth date of the poet on September 6, 2007, at his birthplace, Pan de Azúcar, Uruguay, at the location of the Casa de Cultura y Museo Alvaro Figueredo. Dr. Maria del Luján Figueredo, eldest granddaughter of the poet, was invited to give a lecture on the poetry of Alvaro Figueredo, “Acercamiento a la subjetividad en la poesía de Álvaro Figueredo.” [An Approach to Subjectivity in the Poetry of Alvaro Figueredo] Montevideo, Uruguay.

This paper was later published in Hermes Criollo: Revista de Crítica y de Teoría Literaria y Cultural [Ed. Hebert Benítez. Montevideo, Uruguay. Año 6. N°. 12 (Summer 2007 / Fall 2008): 78-86] and in Letras. N° 8 (2003-2008; Sept. 2008.): 16-23. Pan de Azúcar, Uruguay, together with studies and reflections on his work.

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Extasis y pecado

Es David.
                    (No soy yo)
                              El rey despójase
de orgullo y vestiduras. Danza el salmo.
La ofendida Michâl tras la mirilla.
Jerusalem amándola.
Es David.
                    Sus rodillas estatuyen
la ceremonia, el delirante rango.
Si no fuera David ¿quién lo vería?
(Acaso yo) 1930.
Un bandoneón reptando hacia la esquina
del Puerto. El bar sacrílego.
                              ¡Qué tango!

(1963, publicado en Poesía, 1974)

~ Álvaro Figueredo (Uruguay, 1907-1966)

Ecstasy and sin

It is David.
                    (It is not me)
                              The king sheds
his pride and garments. Dances the psalm.
The offended Michâl behind the spyhole.
Jerusalem loving her.
It is David.
                    His knees ordain
the ceremony, the delirious splendour.
If it were not David ¿who would see it?
(Perhaps I would) 1930.
A bandoneón slithering to the corner
of the Port. The sacrilegious bar.
                              ¡What a tango!

(1963, published in Poetry, 1974)

~ translated by María Figueredo (Uruguay-Canada)

Museo “Alvaro Figueredo”

Surgió durante el transcurso del año 1974 y en el marco de la conmemoración del Centenario de la ciudad de Pan de Azúcar.

La Comisión del Centenario aspiraba a dejar algo permanente para el futuro de Pan de Azúcar y su comarca. Disponía de algún dinero que se había ahorrado de los festejos, y en ese momento, el Contador Dardo De León, Presidente de una Comisión de Residentes de Pan de Azúcar en Montevideo, planteó la necesidad de comprar la casa donde había nacido el gran poeta Alvaro Figueredo.   más informacion


Título: Álvaro Figueredo. Las otrísimas luces del yo.
Dirección: Juan Pablo Pedemonte
Música original: Electropájaros. Pablo Portela.
País: Uruguay
Año: 2013
Fecha de estreno: 22/07/2013
Duración: 28 min
Género: Documental
Reparto: Jorge Albistur, Julio Baez, Horacio Cavallo, Ricardo L. Figueredo, Nelson Guerra, Rafael Gomensoro, Álvaro Miranda, Alfredo Moyano, Ricardo Pallares, Haroldo Pi, Rafael Villalba.
Productora: Tremendo films
Título: Álvaro Figueredo. Las otrísimas luces del yo.
Dirección: Juan Pablo Pedemonte
Música original: Electropájaros. Pablo Portela.
País: Uruguay
Año: 2013
Fecha de estreno: 22/07/2013
Título: Álvaro Figueredo. Las otrísimas luces del yo.
Dirección: Juan Pablo Pedemonte
Música original: Electropájaros. Pablo Portela.
País: Uruguay
Año: 2013
Fecha de estreno: 22/07/2013
Duración: 67 min
Género: Documental
Reparto: Jorge Albistur, Julio Baez, Horacio Cavallo, Ricardo L. Figueredo, Nelson Guerra, Rafael Gomensoro, Álvaro Miranda, Alfredo Moyano, Ricardo Pallares, Haroldo Pi, Rafael Villalba.
Productora: Tremendo films
* Cohen, Jonathan. “Reading the Williams(-Amaral) Translations of Latin American Poetry: How to Appreciate the ‘Carlos’ Personae of the Late Years.” William Carlos Williams Review, Volume 33, Numbers 1-2, 2016, pp. 18-41. (Article)

*Translations of Alvaro Figueredo’s poems on this website are by Maria Figueredo, unless otherwise indicated.

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